A Step-By-Step Guide To Magento 2 PWA Development

A Step-By-Step Guide To Magento 2 PWA Development

January 11, 2021 Off By Deanna Coleman

Magento 2 PWA development brings tremendous benefits to Magento stores from merchants’ perspective. As a result, it is becoming more and more favoured among those businesses’ owners.

The convergence of a website and a native app gives the technology stage a Progressive Web App that is handy for users and appropriate for Magento businesses of all sizes.

This article is to provide merchants with a brief instruction on how to come and get a Magento 2 PWA for themselves.

What Is Magento 2 PWA And Why?

Magento 2 PWA is a short form of Magento 2 Progressive Web App which is a Magento 2 website integrated with PWA technology.

Converting your website to a Magento Progressive Web App will enhance its performance especially on mobile platforms which contribute substantially to a higher conversion rate.

Moreover, Magento 2 PWA is one of the latest trends in the e-commerce field so to be up to speed with the others, why not.

7 Steps In Magento 2 PWA Development Process

To successfully build a perfect Magento 2 PWA, a merchant should follow the following steps of three separate periods as listed below:

Before The Development

Figure out what PWA technology is

PWA is a technology from Google to improve user experience on mobile devices in response to a boom in mobile commerce. In brief, it’s a combination of a native app and a website and has both sides’ benefits.

In this step, you need to find out every piece of information relevant to PWA including its growth, how it works, and why it matters to a business, especially an e-commerce one.

Knowing exactly what it is and the reasons behind its recent trend will do good for your Magento PWA development. On account of this, you will be able to determine the next steps easier.

Research into available PWA solutions

Various solutions for integrating PWA in Magento 2 websites with different price ranges and qualities are currently present in the market. In which, PWA extensions, PWA themes, and custom PWA development are three typical examples.

Each solution has distinctive features serving diverse purposes. Despite that, ready-to-use Magento PWA themes (e.g.: TigrenPWA) are the most commonly used.

You should find out more pros and cons of each PWA development solution and select the best one for your business.

Seek Magento development service providers

There is a lot of companies providing Magento PWA development services at different costs.

After discovering the most potential solution providers, you should check their portfolio. Visiting their PWA demo stores and actual customers’ sites will help you evaluate their experience and capability before making a decision.

During The Development

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Discuss with the developers to come up with a possible plan

A specific strategy is necessary and must be accepted by both sides: merchants and developers to avoid unexpected conflicts and risks in the future.

Converting a website to a PWA Magento means that the website’s structure and design will be changed more or less. Prior custom functions and extensions might be unable to perform on the new PWA that leads to a need for re-coding with the aim of being compatible with the PWA version.

However, that work is time-consuming and takes up a lot of effort. Consequently, you had better ask for the developer’s advice for selecting the optimal solutions.

Start the development progress

After going through the above four steps, it’s now mostly the developer’s tasks. However, keeping track of the progress frequently is a must for the merchant to make sure everything is on schedule.

After The Development

Test the final work’s quality

Every product needs to be tested beforehand to ensure its quality which is associated directly with the business image. This is the reason why this step is extremely essential.

You need an utmost important checklist in which there are must-have features of a real Magento PWA. For example, it must own a PWA’s core features (add to home screen, push notifications, etc.) and Magento e-commerce functions (product filter and sorting, shopping cart, etc.).

Before publishing your PWA to the market, remember to check it out carefully.

Release the PWA to the market

This is the very last step in the Magento 2 PWA development progress. What needs to be done is to inform your customers about the upgrade of the website.

You should take full advantage of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter and your blog. These channels are awesome free marketing tools that will help to boost your site traffic as well as customer engagement.

Wrapping Up

E-commerce companies may profit from Magento 2 PWA in a variety of ways which makes it a well-deserved investment. However, developing it from the start is not a simple thing to do.

Thus, this detailed instruction is written in order to help you fully understand the way to convert your site to a Magento 2 Progressive Web Application.