Common Job Search Errors And How To Avoid Them
July 22, 2023Searching for a job can be highly tough sometimes, and it can also be disheartening when you are not getting the responses that you crave. However, there are also many mistakes that can start to creep in here. Ensuring that you iron out these errors can be so worthwhile as it means that you are in a position where you are going to be able to avoid them as best you can. So, let’s check out just some of the job search errors and what you can seek to do about them.
Starting with no clear strategy
While it may seem a little strange to say it, there is no doubt that finding a job should come along with a clear strategy. Even if it is a basic one, such as finding a job in a particular field within a particular distance of your home, there is still very much a strategy involved in seeking out a position.
For example, if you are a driver or want to get started in the shipping industry and are looking for shipping work, you will often find a job by going on the load boards sites rather than simply checking through the general job sites that are available. The more you search for a job, the easier it will become to navigate them and find a direction. You will come across a strategy that will work well for you.
Having errors on your resume or cover letter
Even if you are not seeking a job that involves writing to any degree, having errors on your resume can prove to be a major problem and certainly worth avoiding at all costs. After all, it then means that you will find yourself in a position where people think you are not taking it seriously, which can leave you in a state where they do not shortlist you for the job. With so many spelling and grammatical check pieces of software out there, you have no excuses for not running your resume and cover letter through them to ensure that they are in the very best possible state.
Not having an online presence
Just as all businesses need to have a clear online presence in place, the same should also be said for yourself as well. After all, the world is very much based on having a clear personal brand that you can showcase to others. A part of this comes down to having a LinkedIn presence that is very much a reflection of your resume.
At the same time, you need to think about whether it is worth creating a website of your own and even having a blog. Ultimately, these are the steps that can see you standing apart from the crowd.
Failing to be organized in your approach
Many people will simply apply for jobs and then forget all about them. However, even if you maintain a rudimentary system of organization, this can seriously help you out as it will mean that you are noting down the date that you applied for each position and the main points of contact.
This will leave you in a much better position to be able to follow up on the job opportunities as and when needed. After all, it is often the people who are the most persistent that are going to be the ones who are the most successful at the same time.
Failing to prepare for your interviews
When you do get to the stage of having interviews, you will want to be as prepared as possible for them. A big part of this comes down to anticipating a few of the most common questions and being in a position where you can respond to them. This is often in quite a formulaic manner.
As well as being able to answer the question directly, it is also worth having a clear example of a time that you demonstrated that particular quality. Interviewers often like to see the evidence that you have done what you set out to do and can prove it. Another common mistake that is worth avoiding is not asking any questions at the end of the interview process.
This demonstrates that you are not interested in the ins and outs of working for that company. It is going to look a lot better if you have a few generic questions written down, this is going to be an improvement than staying silent on the matter.
Not using your network
While many jobs are sought online, a lot can still be found through a traditional networking approach. With this in mind, you will certainly need to make sure that you are making the most of your network. To begin with, this is as simple as sending a message to some trusted former colleagues and connections that you are seeking out new positions.
After this, it is a case of seeing if there are any opportunities that are relevant that they can put you forwards for. This may also be when you start on some new networking opportunities and see if it is possible to find anything entirely based on the connections you make at this stage.
Job search errors happen on a daily basis, but many of them fit into the categories that have just been listed above. Therefore, if you are able to do more to sidestep these issues, you certainly put yourself in a much better position to find a job quickly. Ultimately, a lot of it all comes down to making sure that the applications that you do put in are ordered and well thought through.
There is no point in putting in half-hearted applications. Also, there is certainly something to be said for preparing well for an interview and anticipating what is going to happen. At the same time, you should also do more to make the most of your network and fall back on them in your search for work.