How To Test A Mobility Scooter’s Battery Charger
April 3, 2023Keep in mind that batteries lose charge when kept for extended periods of time, which might lead to irregular charging. For more on top folding mobility scooters visit Electric Wheelchairs USA.
You may check for charger issues with your electric wheelchair by following the step-by-step instructions below. The following three things are required:
-a 120-volt power outlet that is operational.
-a charger for 12-volt batteries.
-a gadget for testing voltage with a multimeter.
- Connect the Battery Charger to an Electrical Outlet
Plugging the power cord into an electrical outlet is the first step in determining whether the charger supplies energy to the power chair. The chair will begin receiving charge as soon as the charger is plugged in.
A green light on the battery charger will indicate that the charging process has begun. The green light on the charger will go out when you unplug it.
- Put Your Digital Multimeter in Place
A multimeter, also referred to as a voltmeter, gauges electrical device output voltage. Set the DC (direct current) voltage range on your multimeter.
Ideally, change the volts to 200 and set the mode to measure DC. The digital display will then show a zero reading after that.
Use the measurement equipment with caution. An overload caused by the wrong setting on a multimeter might result in mishaps like explosions.
- Incorporate the Multimeter with the Battery Charger
Verify the color-coding of the probe ports for simple identification. Attach the test probes for a multimeter to the charger.
The two test probes that come with most multimeters are red and black. Black is typically used for negative, and crimson for positive. So that you won’t panic when trying to locate them.
Place the negative probe first, followed by the positive probe. 42 volts, which is a perfectly average rating for a 36-volt battery charger, will be seen on the voltmeter.
- Disconnect the Battery Charger
When the readings are accurate, the charger is in good operating order. But, your charger needs to be fixed if it doesn’t react to the voltmeter.
Remove the battery charger’s plug from the outlet. Turn off the voltmeter after removing the multimeter probes from both ends.
How to Fix a Scooter Battery Charger Problem
Tracing and fixing errors in an electronic system are part of troubleshooting. The steps listed below can be used to troubleshoot the charger for your scooter:
- Examine the Cable Connection for Issues
Verify that the cable is firmly attached to the wall socket and the mobility scooter on both sides.
Look for any evidence of dust on the ports for the scooter and charger.
By plugging in another electrical item, such as a lamp, you may see if the wall outlet is functional.
- Investigate the Batteries
You should look into the scooter’s battery type. The batteries are they sealed?
Moreover, you can check the battery gauge. The battery should also be checked to see if it smells like burned plastic. Connect the charger to the mobility scooter and plug it in. Look to see if the battery lights are on. The charger is not passing an electric current if the lights are not on. Yet, if they do, the charger is in good shape.
How to Repair Charging Issues with Scooters
There are numerous fixes you may try to fix your charger and save money before you buy another one. Here are some solutions for issues with battery chargers.
-Change the wall outlet
-Correct any faulty cable connections. You could try unplugging and then replugging the cables
-Use electrical tape to cover any exposed wires
-Sanitize the charging port. Your mobility gadget could malfunction if dust builds up on the ports.
At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.